Burlington Radio Control Modelers
Wed, May 01

High: 16 °C
Winds: 8 km/h E
Gust: 10 km/h
Partly cloudy
Thu, May 02

High: 21 °C
Winds: 12 km/h WNW
Gust: 32 km/h
Mainly clear
Fri, May 03

High: 16 °C
Winds: 18 km/h NE
Gust: 33 km/h
Sat, May 04

High: 15 °C
Winds: 18 km/h SE
Gust: 35 km/h
Slight rain
Special Interest Group ?
February 23, 2024
It seems that since Chirstmas, a special interest group has taken over the shed on Friday afternoons. Steampunk appears to be back in vogue. A number of members have invested their hard earned dollars into steam engines. Miniature steam engines that is.

And it appears that at least one member (Ron) has created a time machine like device.

If it indeed works... we'll get a report on it... soon.
Perhaps a month ago.

The Time Lord
And his travelling companions

And just to prove that it may actually work. Here are some pictures I captured while working on our online cameras back in January - Fulko Hew

The wormhole is opening
The invading creature materializing