It looks like the weather will be OK for Saturday.
Cloudy and cooler, but whatever rain there may be, is scheduled to be over by 2 A.M.
See you there!
Our next summer event is on Saturday, Sept. 7 and is called “Bayview Breakfast”.
This event is for BRCM members and guests only.
Instead of hot dogs in the middle of the day, we’ll be serving plentiful amounts
of coffee and donuts at around 9:00 AM, with flying to follow.
(If you’re looking for Eggs Benedict or Full English, you’ll have to bring your own.)
Thanks to Ian Brown for organizing the event,
and if you can volunteer, please contact him at
Bring whatever plane, heli or drone you choose and enjoy flying and conversation!
Stop the presses!
Due to popular demand, the donuts will be cancelled and replaced by hot peameal bacon
on a bun... Thanks again to Ian!
Look Ma... control lines!
July 26, 2024
Here are a few pictures of Vini Cunha doing the maiden on his new SkyRay.
Vini built it from a kit givin him by Nicholas Jacobs, powered by an LA .25.
The flights went perfectly. Good flying plane.
Vini is now doing loops and wingovers with the SkyRay.
That is one proud pilot!
2024 Warbirds Fly-In
July 15, 2024
The 2024 Warbirds Fly-In was held on Saturday July 13. The weather
gods shone down upon us and the day was perfect, with bright sunshine,
tolerable (barely) temperatures and hardly a breath of wind.
The parking lot was stuffed to the rafters, and the hot dogs were all consumed.
Flying continued all the day, with a brief break after lunch for judging.
Best warbird was won by Paul Hepworth with his OV-10A Bronco.
Best RCAF by Geoff Norman with his de Havilland Beaver.
Best jet by Peter Foto with his ???.
There was some stupendous flying by EDFs and turbines, a masterful display by Paul Hepworth’s OV-10A,
and an impressive dog fight between two modern fighter jets.
Thanks to Ian Brown for the organization and all the volunteers who contributed to the smooth operation.
Laker, 70" wingspan, OS .45 included.
Designed by our own Laddie Mikulasko and kitted by Balsa USA.
$100 or best offer.
Contact Tim Patterson,
The Cessna Club takes flight
July 5, 2024
Today, three out of the four large Cessnas in the club took flight at the same time for a fun fly.
Participating were Eric Klepsch, Nicholas Jacobs, and Hiroki Ando (missing was Don Irvine).
It's the E-flite Carbon-Z Cessna 150T 2.1m.
Collectively, the pilots demonstated how forgiving and 'easy to fly' the plane is, as a trainer, a fun flyer or acrobatic.
Top Gun / Warbirds: RCAF 100th Anniversary
July 9, 2024
To honour the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force, we are holding a special Fly In on Saturday, July 13.
As usual, the starting time is around 9:00.
We will have free hot dogs and beverages.
There will be prizes for best Warbird (static and flying) and best Jet (static and flying).
We need volunteers to help with field setup, organization and food.
Please contact Ian Brown ( or (905) 690-1249) if you can help out.
Restricted to BRCM members and their guests.
Burlington Radio Control Modelers celebrate 50 years of flights
Skies are clear for another successful year of operation for this 50-year-old club
When Charlie Chomos was in the first grade, going to school in a one room schoolhouse
where the teacher taught eight grades at once, he saw a classmate assemble a rubber
band powered model airplane.
Seeing that first flight stuck with him, as a founding member of the Burlington Radio Control Modelers,
and eventually buying his own airplane – a 1969 Champion Citabria.
Now five decades from the radio control club’s founding, Chomos continues to fly scale models,
and they are anything but toy planes.
“One aircraft I built in 1975 is a Piper Super Cup,” Chomos said.
“It’s a quarter scale, so one quarter the size of the real aircraft. It has a nine foot wingspan.”
Chomos was among five or six founding members of the club, which has now grown to around 120 members.
The club is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year; it just so happens to coincide with the
100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force.
The majority of members are flying electric planes, a definite upgrade from rubber band powered models,
and some are using kerosene to operate machines that can rival full sized aircraft in terms of speed.
“I’ve seen a model of a Concord that was maybe 15 feet long, and weighed around 150 pounds,”
Burlington Radio Control Modelers president Geoff Norman said. “It was powered by four jet turbines,
burning kerosene just like the Concord did. It flew at about 200 kilometers per hour.”
Norman himself mostly sticks to Second World War models, building Spitfires with six-foot wingspans.
Using models allows potential pilots to pull maneuvers that would be dangerous in real life, Norman said.
“It’s quite an incredible hobby, to see the evolution from when I was starting – of course everything
has evolved thanks to the electronics,” Norman said. “The receiver that receives the impulses from
the transmitter is around the size of your thumb, and it contains magnetometers and accelerometers
so you can have various modes of flying.”
Norman also touched on the rubber band powered planes that were common when he was a kid,
and how the change to being able to individually control the rudder on the back, set pitch limiters to
aid with turning, and having lighter materials instead of balsam wood has changed the way the planes operate.
As the technology and amount of members in the club has expanded, so have the responsibilities.
The club maintains two small – 300- and 400-foot long – runways on five acres of land that need to be mowed.
Rules and regulations have also changed, thanks in part to the introduction and popularity of drones.
Registrations and tests are required, depending on the size of the plane.
However, radio controlled planes do not need to be an expensive hobby to get off the ground.
“You can buy a Mitchell Bomber or a Spitfire that comes out of the box ready to go with two electric motors,
rudders, elevators, the whole package for a couple hundred dollars,” Norman said.
Anyone interested in getting their wings is encouraged to reach out to the club.
New members are joining at 87-years-old, and the group is always looking for new members.
“Nowadays you can’t really start on your own, because it’s dangerous,” Chomos said.
“Club rules are different now too. We have more safety than we ever had back in the day.
We have people that are in their 60s or 70s just learning to fly RC, and they do quite well.
But it’s the younger people that pick it up the quickest because they’re used to computers and games.
Their mindset is different.”
The celebration for the club’s 50th anniversary kicked off last year, as members held a fly-in,
showing off their latest aircraft builds to one another.
Members will hold a similar event this summer, though official plans are still up in the air.
Lancaster Flight Raffle
May 6, 2024
Winter Projects
April 22, 2024
I am writing this article in April ‘24 and have just finished my 23/24 winter projects.
I began my search for a winter project in August ‘23 by asking Brian Harrington if he was
willing to sell his Avanti Sports Jet. He said “No!”.
However, after months of pestering him, he said “yes” because
he was going to purchase the new Avanti Version 2.
I began with my usual process - parts replacement, repair and reinforcing damaged areas,
then preparing the surfaces for painting. I decided to paint the model in the Canadian Snow Bird colour scheme,
similar to my T-33, with decals from Callie Graphics.
I think the Snow Bird scheme looks good on the Avanti and should be sky friendly.
Just before Christmas, Barry Parkinson announced he might sell his Avanti and buy the
new Avanti Sports Jet Version 2. I was interested.
So now I have another winter project and a third Avanti.
It’s my opinion - if you paint the same model with a different paint scheme, it looks like a different model.
I knew Chris Klepsch had painted a BAE Hawk in a Swiss Airforce colour scheme;
so after a long chat, we decided the Avanti would look “HAWK LIKE” with the Swiss colours.
It would be a more challenging paint job for me.
I ordered the decals from Callie, then began my usual repairs and structural reinforcement.
During the surface prep, I noticed the foam on the upper wing surface, above the landing gear boxes,
was soft and cracked (possibly due to hundreds of Barry’s landings).
I reinforced this area with a piece of fiberglass cloth then finished with lots of spackling compound filler and sanding.
I started the hardest part of the paint scheme first — “eyeballing” the fuselage paint line
between the red and white then duplicating it on the other side.
It was very labour intensive — align the masking tape - measure - lift the masking tape - measure
- lift the tape again - measure again, many, many times before the paint brush hits the surface.
I think the Avanti Swiss Hawk paint scheme suits the model.
Each model took about 10 weeks to complete and, as is my custom, each model hints to my age.
Eric Klepsch will be my test pilot for both models this summer.
Ted Pritlove
Flying Season Is Almost Upon Us
April 14, 2024
A brief winter was followed by a briefer spring and more winter.
However this week it looks like spring has taken hold, and we await the arrival of the flying season.
We’re gearing up, lawn mowers are ready to go and a schedule for grass cutting is up and running
thanks to Ken Sisler and Bill Ayre. So it won’t be long now.
As you get the planes ready for flying, keep in mind that we have to comply with Transport Canada regulations.
You can find the BRCM Operating Manual via the 'Links' item in the website's menus.
(But you will need to be registered on the website and login to see it.
Press the 'login' button to start the process.)
I particularly draw your attention to SECTION 3 - TC/TSB,
which describes what you have to do to comply.
In particular, remember to register any new models with TC, and to maintain a flying log.
Upcoming Events
Pub Night
We are continuing a trial of a monthly pub night.
The first one, in mid-March, occurred in the middle of spring break on perhaps the
nastiest night weatherwise of the year. So we’re trying again.
Royal Coachman, 1 Dundas St., Waterdown
Thursday April 18, 7:30 to 9:30
The club will buy finger food, you buy the beer.
General Meeting
The next (and last) general meeting will be on Thursday April 25, 7:30 to 9:00 at St. Matthews.
The entertainment will be a presentation from our friend Colin Tyrell,
of the ongoing saga of his 1:1 reproduction of a Harvard (i.e. a real one) – a 15 year challenge.
He promises that it will fly this summer. Hmm...
Summer Flying Events
Ian Brown is currently planning three events over the summer, with tentative dates:
June 16 - Father's Day Weekend Fun Fly
Open flying for club members.
Club will provide hot dogs, drinks etc.
July 13 - Warbirds/Top Gun
Open to club members and invited guests.
Club will provide food and drinks.
Sep 7 - Corn Fest Fun Fly
Open to club members.
Club will provide food and drink.