Burlington Radio Control Modelers
Sun, Jun 02

High: 18 °C
Winds: 10 km/h S
Gust: 13 km/h
Moderate rain
Mon, Jun 03

High: 22 °C
Winds: 12 km/h E
Gust: 15 km/h
Tue, Jun 04

High: 19 °C
Winds: 10 km/h ENE
Gust: 14 km/h
Moderate rain showers
Wed, Jun 05

High: 22 °C
Winds: 20 km/h SSW
Gust: 37 km/h
Moderate rain showers
Lancaster Flight Raffle
May 6, 2024
Winter Projects
April 22, 2024
I am writing this article in April ‘24 and have just finished my 23/24 winter projects.

I began my search for a winter project in August ‘23 by asking Brian Harrington if he was willing to sell his Avanti Sports Jet. He said “No!”. However, after months of pestering him, he said “yes” because he was going to purchase the new Avanti Version 2.

I began with my usual process - parts replacement, repair and reinforcing damaged areas, then preparing the surfaces for painting. I decided to paint the model in the Canadian Snow Bird colour scheme, similar to my T-33, with decals from Callie Graphics. I think the Snow Bird scheme looks good on the Avanti and should be sky friendly.

Just before Christmas, Barry Parkinson announced he might sell his Avanti and buy the new Avanti Sports Jet Version 2. I was interested. So now I have another winter project and a third Avanti. It’s my opinion - if you paint the same model with a different paint scheme, it looks like a different model.

I knew Chris Klepsch had painted a BAE Hawk in a Swiss Airforce colour scheme; so after a long chat, we decided the Avanti would look “HAWK LIKE” with the Swiss colours. It would be a more challenging paint job for me. I ordered the decals from Callie, then began my usual repairs and structural reinforcement. During the surface prep, I noticed the foam on the upper wing surface, above the landing gear boxes, was soft and cracked (possibly due to hundreds of Barry’s landings). I reinforced this area with a piece of fiberglass cloth then finished with lots of spackling compound filler and sanding.

I started the hardest part of the paint scheme first — “eyeballing” the fuselage paint line between the red and white then duplicating it on the other side. It was very labour intensive — align the masking tape - measure - lift the masking tape - measure - lift the tape again - measure again, many, many times before the paint brush hits the surface.

I think the Avanti Swiss Hawk paint scheme suits the model. Each model took about 10 weeks to complete and, as is my custom, each model hints to my age. Eric Klepsch will be my test pilot for both models this summer.

Ted Pritlove

Flying Season Is Almost Upon Us
April 14, 2024
A brief winter was followed by a briefer spring and more winter. However this week it looks like spring has taken hold, and we await the arrival of the flying season. We’re gearing up, lawn mowers are ready to go and a schedule for grass cutting is up and running thanks to Ken Sisler and Bill Ayre. So it won’t be long now.

As you get the planes ready for flying, keep in mind that we have to comply with Transport Canada regulations. You can find the BRCM Operating Manual via the 'Links' item in the website's menus.

(But you will need to be registered on the website and login to see it.
Press the 'login' button to start the process.)

I particularly draw your attention to SECTION 3 - TC/TSB, which describes what you have to do to comply. In particular, remember to register any new models with TC, and to maintain a flying log.

Upcoming Events

March General Meeting
April 14, 2024
At the March General Meeting, we had a variety of activities.

Wayne Bransfield thanked the club for the Lifetime Achievement Award he received.

We then moved to a celebration of the 100 th Anniversary of the RCAF by viewing an abbreviated version of the video “Reunion of Giants”, a documentary of the video of the Canadian Warplane Heritage Lancaster to the UK in 2015, where it flew formation with the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster, as well Hurricanes, Spitfires and a Vulcan.

We then had a brief show and tell of Ian Brown’s RCAF Avro Yale and Geoff Norman’s RCAF Beaver.

Pub Night
April 14, 2024

The second pub night will be held at the Royal Coachman, 1 Dundas St. E, Waterdown on April 18 from 7:30 to 9:30.

The club will buy the nibblies... you buy your beer.

Guaranteed good time for all!

April General Meeting
March 3, 2024
April General Meeting

This will be on Thursday, April 25, at St. Matthew. Our special program is a return visit from Colin Tyrell (his last was in February 2020), describing his re-construction of a 1-1 scale Harvard powered by a 600 hp. Pratt and Whitney radial engine. Fifteen years in the remaking, and it will fly this summer. (If memory serves, he said that 4 years ago too.)

Thanks to Ian Brown for putting this together.

Hope to see you there.

Special Interest Group ?
February 23, 2024
It seems that since Chirstmas, a special interest group has taken over the shed on Friday afternoons. Steampunk appears to be back in vogue. A number of members have invested their hard earned dollars into steam engines. Miniature steam engines that is.

And it appears that at least one member (Ron) has created a time machine like device.

If it indeed works... we'll get a report on it... soon.
Perhaps a month ago.

The Time Lord
And his travelling companions

And just to prove that it may actually work. Here are some pictures I captured while working on our online cameras back in January - Fulko Hew

The wormhole is opening
The invading creature materializing
FrSky X20-S Transmitter
February 20, 2024
An FrSky X20-S transmitter is available.

Please contact Frank Pilih for complete details.

Annual General Meeting - 2024
February 12, 2024
Happy Belated New Year:

While it’s only Feb. 9 when I write this, it sure feels like spring. Apparently Toronto is on track to topple a 200 year old high temperature record. If it wasn’t for the 60 km. winds, I’ll bet the parking lot at Bayview would be full.

Now to the business at hand.

On Thursday Feb. 22, we will be having the Annual General Meeting, at St. Matthew on the Plain Church, 128 Plains Rd. E., from 7:30 to 9:00. The main agenda item will be election of officers for the 2024 calendar year. Almost all of the Board have agreed to stay on, although some have asked for a different position.


The 2024 Candidates:

President Geoff Norman
Past President Mike Block
Vice President Dwayne Baldwin
Secretary Nicholas Jacobs
Treasurer Mike Block

These are the only 'designated' officers in the club. However, the by-laws state that there will be 13 officers. We have identified areas of responsibility for many of these other positions. I have also listed people for each position, most of whom were on the Board last year and are prepared to stay on another year:

Membership Steve Waterfall
Wings Don Irvine
Safety Alex Hutchinson
Transport Canada Liaison Doug Matthews
Field Maintenance (equipment) Bill Ayre
Info Technology Fulko Hew
Program Ian Brown
At large Eric Klepsch
At large T.B.D.

If you would like to take on any of the positions (whether or not there is an incumbent), please let me know before the meeting, or put your hand up when it’s discussed at the meeting. If there are more than one candidate for a position, we will put it to a vote.

Who Votes:

According to the by-laws, only paid–up members who have renewed for 2024 can vote. If you have not already applied for a 2024 membership, you can renew membership any time up to and including the meeting.

How To Renew:

I have sent notices before, but to remind you, either:

(If you are writing a check, please write the organization name EXACTLY as above. The bank is very particular.)


Keep in mind that our liability insurance applies only to paid-up members!
If you do not have a current (2024) membership, you do NOT have insurance to fly!



We will also have a brief business meeting.


Many of you know Wayne Bransfield. He is an outstanding builder (one of several in the Club) who has built many Giant-Scale aircraft: Lancaster, Halifax, Sunderland. All multi-engine with wingspans well over ten feet.

Wayne has downloaded a digital version of many movies of his building and flying exploits and has given copies to us. We have put some together and will be showing a short (1/2 hour or so) movie. We are delighted that he will attend.

That’s it for now. See you on Feb. 22.


Volunteer Appreciation Night
January 15, 2024
"Never in the field of model aviation was so much owed by so many to so few."
With apologies to Winston Churchill.

On Thursday Jan 11, we held a 'volunteer appreciation night' at the Royal Coachman pub in Waterdown to recognize the huge contribution of the folks who regularly volunteer to help out in club activities. About 18 people were able to make it. The beer flowed freely, the snacks were devoured, and the mood was upbeat. Ken Sisler and Barry Parkinson were accorded special recognition, as they are stepping down this year. Or so we thought - Ken is coming back to field maintenance in a smaller, but critical role.

The club owes a debt of gratitude to these members.
Without them, we could not function.

Geoff Norman

Those recognized were:

Field Maintenance
Ken Sisler (Organizer)
Ashley Armstrong
Dominique Binckly
Doug Edwrds
Peter Foto
Tony Madge
Steve Waterfall
Peter Krautter
Frank Pilih

Wings Instructors
Don Irvine (Organizer)
Steve Ablett
Michael Codner
Eric Klepsch
Barry Parkinson
Paul Penney
Branco Jazvac
Tom Norton

BRCM Board
Geoff Norman
Bill Ayre
Dwayne Baldwin
Michael Block
Steve Waterfall
Don Irvine
Alex Hutchinson
Doug Matthews
Ian Brown
Eric Klepsch
Nicholas Jacobs

IT and Website
Nicholas Jacobs
Fulko Hew